So off we went to Harrison Hot Springs so that I could turn 50 with a modicum of grace (and a whole lotta wine).
Oh - and the best husband in the world.
And - and a handful of really lovely friends.
Oh! and my brand new iPad2 (see above "the best husband in the world")
(I would post a photo of it, but that would just be showing off)
I finally figured out how I want to mark this momentous birthday. Rather than having a large, blow out birthday party involving a whole slough of people, I decided that I wanted to spend the next many months having small gatherings.
50 dinners.
Yup. THAT'S what I want.... so that I can actually spend meaningful, one on one time with people.
And in reality, they don't actually have to be dinners. I guess what I REALLY want is 50 gatherings with all of the amazing people in my life.
The first dinner was a lunch. Mister Man and I drove out to the Fraser Valley, where Bob 'n Mer had prepared a lovely lunch for us.
Mister Man kind of looks like he belongs here, doesn't he?
We checked in, and much to our delight, we discovered that there was a rather special convention happening right under our noses...
Oh bless us all. There was a SASQUATCH convention happening in our hotel!!! The Sasquatch Summit!! While the admission was a little steep, we were confident in our ability to soak up the Sasquatch vibes that were floating around our heads. So we headed up to our room where a bottle of champagne was cooling on ice.
If I'd known that turning 50 would be like this, I might not have been dragging my heels.... We finished our champers and headed out for a stroll.
This wasn't our hotel, but I kind of loved the retro vibe....
And we decided to wait for Annie and Lara over drinks in the bar. Mister Man ordered this beer. It's as big as his head!
And soon after we'd settled, Annie and Lara joined us. After having beverages, we headed out to the local Schnitzel House for birthday dinner #2.
Dinner was delicious. How they get that pork schnitzel to be so thin and crispy, I'll never know.
What I DO know is that following up dinner with a soak in the hot springs relaxed us all. I wanted to bring my camera down to the hot spring. I also wanted to bring my iPad (along with my "waterproof case"). Okay, the waterproof case was just an extra large zip lock baggie.... Mister Man implied that if I (a rather clumsy girl at the best of times) was to go sit in the hot springs with all of my rather valuable electronics...well, he'd be forced to take all of my toys away from me. Suffice it to say that I have no photos of the hot springs....
The next day saw a leisurely breakfast, a soak in the hot springs, and several heated rounds of Quiddler. We also spent some time shopping in the Sasquatch convention store. Annie scored.
And Lara, happily scored in Quiddler.
Our games were framed by the arrival of Susan and Diyan, who had commissioned a song for me for my special day. A SONG, people!! I have a song that was written for me!!!
And after we all had a plunge in the hot springs, we followed up with a round of Scattegories and beverages in our room before we all rushed away and got ready for Dinner # 3in The Copper Room. We all got a bit tarted up.
And after dinner, we digested in the pool. Now I realize that you're supposed to wait an hour before swimming, but one can hardly say that "laying in the pool like a bloated whale" is even remotely related to "swimming". Oh what fun we had. The next morning saw Mister Man and Diyan slipping away to go Sasquatch hunting. And hey - they'd managed to pick up lots of leads (and maps) from the Sasquatch convention. Some of us chose to stay back so that we could lay about in the tub and do absolutely nothing.
Following breakfast, we had a massive game of Quiddler in the lobby.
Do you think they just let me win because it was my birthday?
But moments after the ridiculously high score by moi, I glanced up o see this truly post modern image in front of me. Yes, gentle readers, they are ALL reading their cell phones. Dear God, I still remember the day before cell phones....
And what I remember even more than the day before cell phones, is this amazing birthday. Dear friends and family - you DO take the sting out of this thing called aging..... Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.