The preparation:
The family is on stand by:

The anticipation is tangible:
YOU know what I'm talkin' about:

The hostess takes her job seriously:
But is also open to distractions from the American visitors:
Sweetie of the hostess adds his 2 cents:
And rolls up his sleeves with Dal:

Chuck watches Michelle, the two fisted texting wizard:
Mister Man and Poot look at the photographer hungrily:
Bob has a heart to heart with Andie:
Mister Man actually responds in the affirmative when told to "put a pickle in it":
Lisa and Grayce know that bliss is imminent:
Three sisters:
The main event:
The denouement:
Cathy cuts the pie.
Oh, did I mention I made a pie? A chocolate espresso pecan pie? With a butter pastry crust?
Oh - I'll save that one for a rainy day...
Happy are the hostess and her sweetie who bid adieu to us.
What a wonderful night. There is always so much to be thankful for.
And even though I missed The Mums and Paullly and Michele and other members of my east coast family, I sure am lucky to have another family here on the west coast....
Contrary to what it looks like, Uncle Dal is cutting meat to eat right there, not to put on the platter. (I caught him doing it with the bird and the ham)