The biggest celebration for the running posse comes during the festive season when we pick a decadent restaurant, show up in our finest duds (well, some of the gals show up in their finest duds with beautiful up-dos, while some of us are lucky if our lipstick is on and our hair isn't sticking straight up! And by that last reference to "some of us", I am referring to me...!!!)
We each bring a present that's hidden away in a shopping bag (so that we don't know who brought what.) And then we're each issued a number (from 1-5). Number 1 gets to choose any of the unopened gifts on the table. Number 2 gets to either STEAL the now opened gift from Number 1 OR choose from the unopened gifts on the table and so on.... until it comes to Number 5, who has the option of stealing from all of the unopened gifts, OR opting for the one unopened gift on the table. Here, Kari and Aileen examine the contents of one of the packages. Note all of the other UNOPENED gifts in front of them!
This year, I drew the much coveted Number 5. So when Tamara (Number 4) opened the complete jewellery set made with love by Kari (aka Zuka Artful Accessories), and the jewellery happened to be in MY COLOURS (pink, black, dark grey), well what was I supposed to have done? Gentle reader I was FORCED to steal the gift from Tamara. And here's why. There was this lovely evening wear:
Tamara may have been a tad miffed that I stole this gift from her, but could you blame me?
Besides, not that this theft was an act of REVENGE or anything, but I DO seem to recall a running posse holiday dinner in which a certain piece of Zuka jewellery was stolen from ME by a certain Tamara G.... And rightly so, as THAT piece suited Tamara to a T! And that, gentle reader, is why I think everyone should cut me a little slack for doing the unthinkable during the season of giving. AFTER admiring my jewels that is!
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