As we slog through the January rain, and day after day of endless grey skies, I have to remind myself that, not even a month ago, I was hanging out in the desert. And it was glorious. So, I went back and picked through my photos, plucking out the ones that I thought might lift you out of the winter doldrums and catapult you into a place where things are dry, not drenched. Can't you just feel the sun beating down on you now?

We visited a ghost town that was full of nifty textures and colours.

The following message could be adopted for general use, don't you think?
Mister Man complied.
There was much to photograph.

Old mines 'n stuff.


Family in the old west....

A taste of home!
Of course Mister Man found the bar.

And, in homage to Kids in the Hall, Mister Man "squished the head" of the horizon. He's got the whole world in his hands. Indeed.

I shot this looking through the eyeball end of a telescope. It kind of reminds me of a perfect ending in an old-school western.... Giddy up.

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