Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Favourite Photos (Part 3 of a gazillion: Stave Lake)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The Stupendous Pastry Debacle

But here is the truly marvelous thing, gentle readers. I DID NOT FREAK OUT. Nay. I put Plan C into effect. I was going to make a graham wafer crust (easy and pretty impossible to mess up), and THEN I was going to make 2 batches of the filling, so that we could have one flawless pie with a graham wafer crust, and one pie as god and Teri intended, with the BUTTER PASTRY CRUST.
So I began melting chocolate.
And when Mister Man walked in from his morning of hanging out at a literary festival, I asked if he could please "GO IMMEDIATELY TO THE SAFEWAY AND BUY SOME MORE BUTTER" so that I could keep melting the chocolate as I was fully in PLAN C mode and planned to save the day with my clever ingenuity. And guess what he did? He pouted and he protested and he stomped out to get the butter. And I. FINALLY. FELL. APART. I started sniffling and snorkling and trying not to get my tears in the melting chocolate, as the water would render it useless.
And when he came back from the store, I continued making the filling. And I continued to cry. I made 2 pies. The one with the failed butter pastry crust essentially was
+ [PLUS]
Frankenpie !!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I filled the graham wafer crust. And I filled the Frankenpie crust. And I crawled in the bathtub which I filled up with my tears.... And then Mister Man brought me a coffee and told me "there, there. I'm sure it'll be delicious."
And you know what? When our wonderful friends Space Girl and Shayne arrived and dined on a truly extraordinary dinner made by Mister Man, they were actually IMPRESSED when I pulled out 2 pies and told them the whole sad saga. And they both agreed to have a slice of each! And THEN they said that the Frankenpie was by far the tastiest. They even asked for a doggie bag consisting of a big hunk of Frankenpie!
That's what friends are for folks.... that's what good friends are for... Good friends will eat your disasters and your successes, and will make you feel really great about even trying.
And here's the most important thing to come out of the Stupendous Pastry Debacle. I'm gonna try this pastry thing again. Cuz I figure I've learned a lesson or two. The only difference will be that next time, the score will be: Pastry 0 - Teri 1. Mark my pastry cutting words.....
Monday, September 28, 2009
Luscious Lemon Bars
Preheat oven to 350 degrees and place the rack in the centre of your oven. Grease an 8 x 8 inch pan.
I doubled the recipe. It worked like a charm. Stay tuned for the upcoming GREAT PASTRY DEBAUCLE - a sad, sad saga, best served with a cup of hot tea and a box of tissues for the part where you WEEP in sympathy and solidarity!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Rolling Out The True Confessions Chain
Well, initially I posted my "25 things" meme on Facebook as part of a challenge. When a shy and retiring friend rose to the occasion and published HER list of 25 things, I heaved a sigh and gave it a go.
To my utter surprise, I found that a whole slew of my friends shared confession #17 with me! I don't think I've laughed that hard in a long time! All these years, I thought I was the only one dumb enough to have stuck my hand in that thing!!! I've changed the names to protect the innocent (and um, P.S. for any of you reading the posting time and thinking "so THAT'S what you do at work!" These comments transpired on a Saturday..):
Updated about 7 months ago · Comment · Like / Unlike
a wringer washer!!! ha ha haaaaaa!
February 14 at 4:06pm · Delete
Sugarlove Girl
yeah - you laugh NOW. But I tell you, when I walked through the doors of the Janeway Children's Hospital on a St. John's summer day, when the waiting room at the hospital was FILLED TO CAPACITY with other injured children who hadn't done anything NEARLY as stupid - and THEN, they misplaced my file, and suddenly a loud ol' woman with a townie accent came over the p.a. saying "would the little girl who got her arm caught in the washer ringer please come to the information desk - the little girl who got her arm caught in the washer ringer to the information desk". *click* And THEN you coulda heard a pin drop when everyone stopped to see what idiot child could have been STUNNED enough to put their hand through the wringer. And then I had to stand up, and do the walk of shame to the information desk as about 100 pairs of eyes stared at me in disbelief. (also note that the "emergency open" feature of the washer ringer was broken, so my mother had to put it on reverse to free my arm).
February 14 at 4:34pm · Delete
Teri, this is GREAT - I laughed out loud - I got my hand caught in a ringer washer too!!! My Mum was so upset because she had warned me soooo many times, but I HAD to see what would happen, and IT far up did your arm go? Mum extracted me when I was in up to my shoulder, stuck fast. Ahh, they just don't make appliances like 'em anymore!!!! Thanks for this!
February 14 at 4:34pm · Delete
Sugarlove Girl
HA HA HA HA Now I am laughing out loud!!! I didn't think there was anyone else out there (certainly not anyone in my life) who was as categorically stupid, but now I see there is and that person is you and O.M.G. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AT THIS MOMENT, you cannot possibly know!! Okay mine went past my elbow by the time my mother realized that the RELEASE button was broken, so then I had to stand there SHRIEKING while it was wrung back out!!! (okay - I'm laughing so hard now that I am crying).
February 14 at 4:40pm · Delete
Then there was getting stuck fast to the top of a chain link fence, by the crotch of my jeans...they have those twisted metal things on top, and it twisted itself RIGHT through the material....the physics involved in untwisting myself were too much for my overwrought psyche, and my "good friends" had taken off into the bushes, peeing themselves laughing, so I had to borrow the ski jacket of the only loyal one left, put it around my waist, and WIGGLE out of the damned pants, leave them on the fence, run to the bushes wearing only the tied-on ski jacket and watch as the loyal friend wrestled my jeans off the fence...the next day in band class I walked in just in time to hear the whole sad tale being related to the cute boy I really liked....I have a fear of chain link fences
February 14 at 4:40pm · Delete
EBDear God, had your arm WRUNG BACK OUT????? You are a far braver man than I, Gunga Din!!!!February 14 at 4:44pm · Delete
Sugarlove Girl
HA HA HA HA - STOP *clutches stomach*. When I got my head stuck between the two stairs (the kind with no back on them), I was standing on a chair at the time (duh) and my mother was convinced that I would start wriggling and the chair would tip, and I would break my neck. So hysterically, she got me to SWEAR that I wouldn't move and she phoned the fire department. I tell you, as I stood there, my head twisted sideways on the step, I had to watch in utter humiliation as some strange man's big feet delicately stepped around my stupid head (so as not to squish the bit of grey matter that was in there). And he had to dismantle the stairs to free my head. Gawd.I think that's why I have never liked those stairs that have no back on them. They TOTALLY creep me out. PS We are two peas in a pod. How the HELL did we turn out so well??????
February 14 at 4:47pm · Delete
Sugarlove Girl
In reference to your last note: Yeah, but YOUR arm went all the way up to the armpit - mine had a much shorter journey on the way in!!!!
February 14 at 4:47pm · Delete
Um....more on the princess camping! The kids would love to camp more, but I can't sleep in a tent thanks to a 7 toed cat (but in my defence - the toes were fucking HUGE) so I'd like to know how to do the princess camping. It's sounds right up my alley!!
February 14 at 5:06pm · Delete
very enjoyable reading. i too was eaten by the washer wringer.
February 14 at 6:05pm · Delete
Sugarlove Girl
NO WAY!!!! We need to start a club!! This is fantastic!! (I always thought I was the only idiot child out there). tee hee!!
February 14 at 6:08pm · Delete
Okay this is REALLY spooky but I too, got my fingers stuck in the washer ringer when I was five (still have the scar on the little finger). My mother worked and we had this wonderful, obese Ukrainian woman named Mrs. Currie who helped out and she started screaming what to me was a VERY strange language and flapping her arms around and dancing on one poor Dr. Scholled foot! Then, she completely left the house! I can't actually recall but I think she went home! And, I waited in the tiny laundry room with my fingers in the wringer. It felt like hours but I think it was only about fifteen minutes. Then my dad appeared with practically the whole mine rescue team and they managed to get my fingers out and off to the hospital in the mine rescue truck and had five or six stitches! Mrs. Currie returned a few days over and we never spoke of the incident again.And, Teri, I can remember driving you over bridges always using the inside lane!
February 14 at 8:45pm · Delete
Sugarlove Girl
B! NO! It can't be that YOU TOO are officially part of this ever expanding group of my friends who all share the same affliction and strange attraction to hostile machinery.... who knew that I could be bonded to everyone through this one small act of stupidity!! I am also very disappointed in Mrs. Currie (unless of course it was she who RAN to summon your dad??) And, in fact, I can remember insisting that you use the centre lane on bridges. (it's still my preference although Brian is always saying that it's not the edge of the bridge that you have to worry about - it's the oncoming traffic. I guess it just goes to show that can't win!!) xo
February 14 at 9:23pm · Delete
Teri, too funny. But just wait until you see the final season of the Gilmore Girls and Lorlelai sings I Will Always Love You (the Dolly Parton version of course) to Rori. You will will will become part of you...particularly when Luke arrives and thinks it is about it????? Oh and I got MY hand stuck in Mrs. Maranda's wringer washer too. Scared the hell out of me..never felt more alive. Mom had the first automatic washer on the block...I felt so cheated...wanted old school!!!
February 14 at 9:27pm · Delete
B THi Teri - well... I learned how to walk off the front of a stage into thin air while reading a newspaper - do I hear Cirque du Soleil calling? No washer wrestling in my past, but I did try to fly like a helicopter by swinging my arm over my head and riding my tricycle over a small drop - oh, oh, a pattern is emerging...I better stop watching Heroes.
February 15 at 8:51am · Delete
No wringer washer incidents to report but it seems like a very cool club, can I be an honourary member. Love your 25 things Toot!
February 15 at 10:25am · Delete
B SNow that you mention it Teri, I am pretty sure that is exactly what Mrs. Currie did - went to get my dad! Wow, all these years I have had a fear of obese Ukrainian women and now a weight has lifted off my shoulders! Phew! This year's Ukrainian Festival will not find me hiding in my office under the desk afraid of flesh and wringers! Thanks!
February 15 at 11:10am · Delete
I don't like answering the phone or calling people - but I do like talking on the phone once that trial is over. I LOVE, as you know, watching tv on dvd - have you seen Damages? I am also afraid of heights because I am afraid I will jump off. I once was disturbed for a year because I thought you had given up coffee - it was after you gave up cigarettes. I guess I got confused.
February 15 at 4:33pm · Delete
I am amazed and impressed by all the wringer washer survivors! My Nana had a wringer washer and I remember the warnings about said machine being so frightening and severe that I think I thought my hand and/or arm would be flattened like a cartoon and never return to it's right form. I imagined having to spend the rest of my life with one pancake
And that was about the end of the chain. Who knew? Golly I laughed my HEAD off reading these responses. Hope you laughed too (and thanked your lucky stars that you weren't nearly as daring idiotic as some of us). I also discovered that you can still buy the things! Brand new! I can assure you that I have no intention of busting down the doors of cyberspace to pick one up!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Deluxe Double Chocolate Cookies
Deluxe Double Chocolate Cookies
1/2 cup unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon coarse salt
4 ounces high quality semi sweet chocolate
5 ounces high quality milk chocolate cut into 1/4 inch chunks
1/2 cup unsalted butter (1 stick)
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.
Whisk together flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt in a bowl.
Reduce speed to low and gradually add in flour mixture. Fold in chocolate chunks. Drop dough onto cookie sheets spacing 2 inches apart. Bake until cookies are flat and surfaces crack, about 12 minutes (cookies should still be soft). Let cool on parchment paper on wire racks. Makes about 2 dozen(ish). The cookies can be stored in an airtight container for up to 3 days, but they probably won't last that long.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
A 3 month revelation
But sometimes I get a hankerin' to make my own stuff. If I were 21 again, I'd probably be doing that with a lot of gusto (and more gusto than I can currently muster, for sure). And while I still do the odd project from time to time, I miss solving the problems of the world on a regular basis through creative thinking.
When I thought about some of the things I like to do (read, write, bake, make photographs and pontificate), I thought that a blog might be something to keep my fingers in creative pies so to speak. And it might be one of those truly rare cases where one size DOES fit all. (or maybe, more accurately, one size fits all with computer access). And so exactly 3 months ago, I started this blog.
And here's the thing. To those of you who have been reading, and commenting, and tuning in regularly (or even from time to time) - I. REALLY. APPRECIATE. IT. More than you might know... There are many days when I get excited about the part of the day in which I get to sit down and write. Mister Man likes to point and say "blog face - blog face!!" - and I imagine it's a face that has a wee smile at the corner of the mouth, a sparkle in the eyes, and a bit of a furrowed brow as I worry about bastardizing the English language. (It's hard to have so many smart, grammar-savvy friends)!
Some of you I know. Some of you I know incredibly well! Some of you I've met. And I think there might even be a couple of people who've tagged along whom I've not ever met.
So I just wanted to say right here and right now: thank you.
And to my friends who've allowed me to point a camera in their face to the point of absolute annoyance - thank YOU. Because without you and our adventures together, life would be a pretty dull and bland place.
That's all. I just needed you to know that I'm really glad you're along for the ride. Because I, for one, am really, REALLY loving it. (And we know how I feel in general about rides....)
Kisses and hugs from Sugarlove Girl