Months ago there was a meme going around Facebook, in which people were to list 25 things about themselves. Perhaps I am being lazy by re-posting it here. But I like to think that I'm being environmentally aware (in a creative way) by recycling this pertinent info which might illuminate a thing or two. I also think that a couple of photos I might later post will make more sense. So without further ado, here are my true confessions at this moment in time (at least the ones I'm willing to share!)
1. I hate talking on the telephone unless it's about work. This flies in the face of the MONTHS I spent talking on the phone as a teen-ager. I'm embarrassed to say that my relationship to the phone is almost phobic. I was surprised to learn at Christmas time that my brother shares this affliction!
2. My most special talent is being able to sing Christmas songs by spelling them as I sing the melody: letter-by-letter. It is more difficult than it sounds.
3. During a school tour years ago, I learned to do a bunch of absurd things like: cross one eye and keep one straight, and bend my fingers from the top joint only. I can't remember what my fellow tour mates learned how to do, but I'm sure it was equally as absurd.
4. I played piano and sang classical music in my youth. But I haven't had a piano in years, so I'm incredibly rusty. I think I might also be a little lazy (which is a huge place of conflict for one who has been prone to workaholism).
5. I play the button accordion (not very well - and again, I am very rusty). My accordion looks like this:
6. I am incredibly proud of being a Newfoundlander, but I love living on the West Coast.
7. I have finished a half marathon 3 times (once walking and twice running.) I am a fast walker and a slow runner. I am really proud of this accomplishment because I think it takes people by surprise. I certainly don't look like I would be capable of going more than a couple of blocks!!
8. I love my life with Mister Man. He is one of the best people on the face of this earth and I'm glad we met later in life because I have a hunch we might have messed it up a decade ago.
9. I like to laugh but sometimes I worry that I take life too seriously....
10. I harbour a secret desire to be a blogger and produce a podcast. (I know - I know "what's stopping me?") [HA!! I just re-read that, and um, hello? I'm feeling like I've actually accomplished something in the past 6 months!!]
11. I love a good gadget and am completely addicted to technology. Consequently, this leads me to believing that I run a little shallow, as I am frequently found yelling from the latest techno-bandwagon.
12. I have many, many amazing people in my life.
13. A lengthy restaurant menu is overwhelming to me and frequently I end up suffering from "food envy" when I see what other people ordered.
14. Though I am not a vegetarian, the best dishes I cook are all vegetarian! [recipes coming with the arrival of fall]
15. I recently started to bake, and though I don't do it frequently for fear of eating it, I really love it... Secretly, I am always trolling the web for the best baking recipes....
16. I hate being the centre of attention. [perhaps this blog flies in the face of this confession? In any event, it's true.]
17. I once got my arm caught in a washer-wringer. That was a few years after I got my head caught between 2 single slat stairs. Both experiences were mondo sources of childhood humiliation.
18. I have an addictive personality and cannot imagine a day without caffeine. Or a life without sugar. I'm relieved that I never had the opportunity or money to do hard drugs. I shudder at contemplating how it could have gone from there....
19. While I loved all those years working as a freelancer, I have had a "real job" as a production coordinator for 3 years now, and I love it.
20. I am afraid of heights: balconies, glass elevators, escalators that ascend too far, and bridges. I live on the 12th floor and have never stood on the balcony unless it involved clutching the sliding door. Running across the Lion's Gate Bridge makes me weep. I have learned to walk across the Granville Street bridge without tears,but ONLY if I'm going from North to South. When I walk across that bridge going in the other direction, I kind of lurch with vertigo.
21. I am currently (and sadly) addicted to The Gilmore Girls on DVD. When that is finished, I'm sure I will find something else. [yup. just mowed through season 1 of Nurse Jackie]. I love watching television on DVD, episode after episode after episode in a compulsive way. I have marched through many a series this way: BtVS, Angel, Grey's Anatomy, Nip/Tuck...
22. I really like reducing people's names into cute little nick-names. This goes for pets too. Frequently, I end up making names longer. (I used to call Flip "Flipper Pie", and Wes is "Westerly Wind", and Pat is "Poot Moot", and Karen is "Koot Doodler" etc.)
23. I am clumsy like a 2 year old. And impulsive like a 5 year old. And bossy like a 12 year old.
24. I cry at things that fill me with joy and I cry at things that fill me with sorrow.
25. I have come to love the great outdoors, though I held it in flagrant disregard for most of my youth. But now I love princess camping (Mariette taught me everything I know) and spending time in the woods.
This is the best "25 random things" list I've seen, thanks for (re-)posting it!
ReplyDeleteWhich leads to a small request ... for those of us still publicly scornful of camping, but secretly craving it in spite of a complete lack of skills and knowledge, how about a quick lesson on princess camping?
You da best, SugarLove! :-)
ReplyDeleteFirst of all - thanks for your kind words. It's a strange thing to post 25 true confessions about oneself! So I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed it...
The princess camping request will be honoured as I'm doing a MINI camping trip this weekend! So I DO promise to post some photos and tips. And THEN, we are doing a more extensive camping trip on the first weekend in October. You can bet your fleece camping socks that I'll be writing the cyber book when we return.
Finally, thanks for reading. :-)
I can help with Number 10.
ReplyDeleteReally? Holy cow bigsnit. You'd better watch out or I'll show up on your doorstep holding my iriver, my crappy $15 microphone and my macbook open to Garage Band!
ReplyDeleteActually, Wee Sarah and I have always wanted to do a podcast called "The Wind Up Girls". We had such big plans (and then such little time).
But seriously, if we can get our ducks in a row, and maybe once Wee Sarah's book is published.... who knows?
i really hope so, teri. i totally need a good project once i finish this one. love your list, love you. and would love to go camping with you some time! xox
ReplyDeleteOooh, #5!! As if I didn't admire you enough already.
ReplyDeleteLove this!! Thanks for recycling for those of us that won't touch The Devil's Work (aka Facebook)
Aw, how cute you are! i love your list. #1 - me too! seriously, kind of phobic. i have considered therapy for it.
ReplyDeleteFunny, I was just thinking about recycling my list of 25 random things, too. And coincidentally, I recently discovered how scary Granville Bridge is! http://www.otherwise.net/?p=1535 ;-) -Judy
ReplyDelete1,9,10,1, 15, 16, 18, 22, 24,25...ME TOO!
and 14 - gotta get those recipes!