(or "Thrills, Chills and Those Little Donuts at the PNE")

a) a cage full of mutant rabbits
b) 2 big bulls
c) a bag or two of mini donuts
d) a near death experience on The Inverter
e) hot buttered scones
f) the military
g) the best doggone hot dogs in the world!
h) a verbose blog post
i) All of the above
i) All of the above
If you picked i (all of the above) you are correct! It's PNE time. Here are Wee Sarah and Donimo now, having just stepped through the gates. Note the anticipation in the air and on their faces! (Paul is anticipating too. He just stepped out of the frame before I pressed the shutter release. So he is anticipating about 2 inches to the right of the frame.)

The first order of business is to have a snicky snack. Sarah and Donimo showed restraint. Paul and I did not. In fact, I would be outright LYING if I denied having spent the day thinking about this:

And then we went off to find dessert.

This is her "WTF" look.

And there were bulls. Big bulls. 3,000 pounds of big each. (There were also mutant rabbits, and miniature donkeys but the photos weren't great so you'll just have to make do with big bulls.)

Back to dessert. My fabulous boss had been raving about "that place that sells scones. You MUST go to that place that sells scones." Well, it WAS an order, right? From my boss? So how could I say no?

When we finished cheering on the Superdogs, darkness had fallen. And with darkness comes the underbelly of the beast. Check out the lighting here at Wack A Mole, in which we pound the CRAP out of the cute little plastic mole heads that pop out of the holes. You can see that I have stuck my tongue out. I thought this might give me an edge. In fact, at this point I was CERTAIN I was in the lead because I was smashing those moles like there was no tomorrow! But Paul won. (It's always the quiet ones, isn't it?) The ghoulish lighting is so flattering don't you think?

Perhaps we should have checked in with Delores the Psychic before Donimo and Paul got on The Inverter. She would have looked into her crystal ball and said "It will frighten the poop out of you." But no. Donimo and Paul had made the decision to be hurtled through the air in a filmsy piece of metal.

This photo says it all. In the moments leading up to the ride, Wee Sarah was tense, Paul was a tad crazed (in denial I think) and Donimo? WHAT is that look on her face? THAT is joy. And peace. And love. (That is crazy is WHAT).

Wow, Teri, you really captured it! Great photos, great writing, totally awesome. One thing to add: in the first photo of me with the military, I am doing a little dance to Locomotion, which, for some reason, was playing in the background. A bizarre combo, to say the least. xo wee sarah
ReplyDeletethis looks pretty delightful! i have never been to the pne, but anyplace with mutant rabbits and scones is someplace i gots to go! but i'm really disappointed in the absence of mini-donut photos. this reminds me of the geauga county fair of my youth. cows and giant rat exhibits, plus soda that remained orange going in...and out.
ReplyDeleteOh Annie, The absence of mini-donut photos is entirely my fault! In the heat of the moment, at the end of the night, yours truly was swept up in a taste test between "Mr. Ken's" and "Those Little Donuts". It wasn't until I was sorting photos that I realized my gaff... Alas. Perhaps we need to make sure that next year, you are on the other side of the lens at the PNE! I'm both horrified and intrigued by the thought of soda that remained orange going in and out.... Really??? Wow....
ReplyDeleteI'm a little late to this overview party, but I gotta say that you did a fine job with text and photos Ms. T. I really enjoy your writing and the photos are fab.
ReplyDeleteI'm amazed that you were able to capture Paul and me on that ride! It looks as though Paul and the fellow next to me are about to have aneurysms. Such fun! Next year, it's your turn... for the ferris wheel. We'll sugar you up and send you to new heights!