Susan and Diyan have a new addition to their family.

Isn't he/she/it a beaut? The plan was to have the inaugural BBQ after Diyan was officially knighted a Canadian citizen. We were going to her swearing-in ceremony and then would celebrate with her over a pile o' BBQ'd goodies.
There was one hitch however. While Diyan was visiting her family in Indonesia, she contracted a tropical disease called dengue fever. And THAT meant she wasn't allowed to get on a plane. Susan decided to have a much scaled back version of the BBQ to help pass the time until Diyan returned. (I'm happy to report that Diyan came home today, back in the pink of health, albeit probably a bit shaky).
I made 2 pineapple upside down cakes that were a challenge to transport. Mister Man devised a brilliant carrying method by stacking the second one on top of a spring form pan (under which sat the other). We decided to belt it in lest disaster fall upon us.

There were only a few folks there, and a pile of gorgeous looking food.

Here's the moment in which Susan lit the BBQ for the first time. She is aglow.
Le beautiful rib eye steaks.
And le cooking.
Mister Man cooks while Vanessa and Beth look on.
The spread. (Note the Pineapple Upside Down Cake in the lower right hand corner. Recipe tomorrow.)
And here are the chairs that Susan bought for Diyan in celebration of her becoming a Canadian citizen. They have been awaiting her return. In fact, I'm sure she's probably sitting in them RIGHT now!

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