I'm getting geared up for the baking of the caking (in which a bunch of my women friends, family members and myself come together in Newfoundland to make the wedding cake for the nuptials of me 'n Mister Man). (okay, we're actually not going to make the WHOLE cake - we're going to make PART of the cake) (and we're going to decorate it) (I think of it as the community making-of-the-quilt. Only instead of a quilt, we're making a cake!)
So when Lori called to see if I wanted to take a 4 week cake decorating class, I pretty much leapt through the phone to say yes.
It was a BLAST. Holly, our teacher, was fabulous and fun. She could wrangle a piping bag like there was no tomorrow.
The class was at Eden West Fine Food and Gifts in Port Moody, where they have a great teaching kitchen, complete with the mirror on the ceiling for the obligatory cooking school aerial view.

Holly showed us how to pipe stars.
Lori and I were both completely into it.
(Even if our spatulas were dueling in the bowl.)

And you seriously have to love ANY hobby that involves the acquisition of more specialty tools. Particularly when they're as nifty looking as these are...

And, in case you were wondering, here's my first masterpiece. What do you think? Should I throw it all in and go work for The Ace of Cakes?
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