I am fairly certain you haven't been able to sleep at night what with the promise of the tart action in the sugarlove kitchen. I know that I have been counting the seconds until I got to try out all the new toys. On this fine Saturday, I finally had the opportunity, and the brilliant excuse to slip into my new super-hero guise as THE PASTRY WHISPERER!! It's Poot's birthday and instead of making her a cake, I thought I'd take the tart pan out for a spin.
Here's how it went. Round one of butter and eggs - epic fail due to separation - due to someone not paying attention when she added the beaten egg quickly instead of slowly.
Round two - much better! It was challenging lifting the pastry into the pan, and I had a little tearing which I nattily patched.
Round three - pastry cream. I turned my back on it for a nano-second, and it was too thick. In a moment of clarity, I remade it.
Round four - pastry cream, take two. Oh my. It was beautiful.

Round five - fruit and glaze. Fun! Easy!
Round six - the completed tart. Not only did it look like the photograph from which I was working, but it tasted delicious: light, fresh and creamy....... Onward ho!

oh my lord that looks beautiful!!!!
I'm happy to report that it kinda tasted just as good as it looks (if I do say so myself...) *shyly swings toe back and forth while looking at the floor*