Where to start? As always, there are so many words and images. Suffice it to say that, bleary eyed after our red eye, we blasted by Phillie (which was more industrial looking than I thought it would be). We ate breakfast at IHOP (despite being overwhelmed by a menu that could rival War and Peace in terms of length).

We meandered through New Jersey, bolstered our courage and drove into New York state (neatly side stepping the Big Apple by going via the Tappen Zee Bridge). I'm pretty sure the Benedryl kicked in for me at about 10 a.m. because I behaved like a woman who'd been shot with horse tranquilizers. Luckily, Mister Man was the designated driver while I slept off the evils of anti-histamines. We touched down in Connecticut, rushed through Rhode Island and finally crossed the line into Massachusetts. We drank coffee from the golden arches - believe it or not we couldn't find a Starbucks to save our lives. This must surely be a first.
You cannot imagine our joy when we saw this sign. Little did we know that we were about to hit 5:00 rush hour heading onto the cape and the dastardly treachery of the Bourne Bridge which should have taken us only 20 minutes...... But we finally arrived to be greeted by the mums and Paully and Michele who were waiting with wine and a wonderful BBQ and open arms.

It's amazing what 9 hours sleep can do for a tired soul. We awoke the next day ready for our big adventure to Martha's Vineyard - well, us and about 1000 other travelers.

The mums. Isn't she lovely?

We set sail in a heavy fog which was familiar to those of us from Newfoundland. Though I did, for just a moment, harken back to memories of watching too many episodes of Gilligan's Island as a child...

The regular (and unannounced) blasts of the foghorn ensured that no one would slip into a slumber. Nope. We were ALERT when we docked in Oak Bluffs.

It looks like everyone is watching TV. But really, they're watching a bank of fog.

On the journey, Michele charted a route for us. She has exceptional skills as a navigator.

As we approached the Vineyard, the fog lifted.

And of course, we set out on foot in search of food. We said ixnay to the lobster ice cream (I mean, I AM adventurous, but that is just weird!)

We DID say hello to the BBQ!

Hello BBQ! The mums and I opted to share a pulled pork sammich, fries, macaroni and cheese and cornbread!

And ice cream. Natch. I mean, we ARE on vacation after all!

Hello Sinful Chocolate and Creamy Snickers!

The real highlight of the day was our walking tour of the Martha's Vineyard Campmeeting Association Campground. When you see the photos, you'll understand the wonder we experienced as we wandered around. But before your scrolling finger becomes bruised from pushing onward, I'm going to say goodnight and save that magical place until the morrow.
Kisses from the Cape.
How much do i want those pig signs? (very much. particularly the pig powders one)...
ReplyDeleteand the mums looks like a movie star!
more B2 in the photos please
ReplyDelete@bunkle - the mums will now love your half more than my half of the brain trust! @spinstermaid - will do (and will be able to tell him it was by request so he won't be able to give me any grief!)