One of the things that's offered up every year at the DOXA fundraiser are works of art by local artists. This year was no exception. There was a print by the brilliant Diyan Achjadi, a painting by the amazing Suzo Hickey, a Wee Feltie by Bunklelife herself, jewelry by Zuka Artful Accessories and 2 drawings by the ever talented Sarah Leavitt. (Didn't I tell you I had incredible and talented friends?)
Well you may remember that Mister Man and I channeled Martha Stewart for Halloween and made some cupcakes that were ghoulishly grand. Well Wee Sarah Leavitt made 2 drawings inspired by and based on our adventures in cupcake land! And she PUT THEM IN THE AUCTION! This meant that I held vigil all night next to the bid sheet so that NO ONE ELSE could get their stinkin' hands on what was rightfully OUR artwork!! Of course I did have to leave the table a few times to play Pin the Tail on the Donkey, and to throw rattlesnakes (albeit like a drunken mad woman!!), and golf *ACK*. I also had to bid on the amazing works of art by all of the above.
But here's where I spent a good chunk of my evening - hovering over the bid sheet for the cupcake inspired art works and giving anyone who dared scratch their name on the piece of paper a good ol' slice of my best STINK EYE!!!
When we arrived at the venue, we discovered that Wee Sarah had brought her sketchbook. She proceeded to give us a walking tour of her creative process. Check it out!
Oh look! A sketchbook photo with a peek-a-boo view! (Well, Sarah was looking very glam on Saturday!)

And then Wee Sarah seemed to disappear in a puff of smoke, leaving nothing behind but her great shoes!!!

I guess that's the way it is when you've poured your heart and soul out on paper.... Um. Did I mention that paper is now on our walls?
Teri, could I possibly love you more? No!!!!! Thanks so much for a very lovely, sweet post. I will link to it from my blog too. You are a dear. I am so happy that you like the drawings and I am very excited that you own them! It's quite a relief, because now I won't have to draw a whole other set for you ;) xoxoxox